Saturday 15 October 2011

Discoloration of teeth

Discoloration of teeth
The colour of teeth ranges from yellowish to greyish-white depending on enamel translucency. Discoloration f teeth is defined as any change in colour or any departure from normal colour.
Types of discoloration of teeth
· Extrinsic-it occurs due to stains, restorative material, nasmyth membrane, tea, tobacco & chromogonic bacteria.
· Intrinsic-it is due to stains with in enamel & dentin because of deposition of certain substances.
Classification of discoloration of teeth
A. Changes that occur solely in structure & thickness of dental hard tissue
1. Disturbances in dental hard tissue
· Dentinogenesis inferfecta
· Dental fluorosis
· Enamel opacities
2. Physiologic colour change due to age
3. Obliteration of pulp chamber
4. Internal resorption
5. Initial enamel caries
B. Discoloration caused by coloring agents taken up by dental hard tissue
1. During formation
§ Erythoblastic fetalis
§ Neonatal hepatitis
§ Congenital defects in the bile duct
§ Tetracycline administration
§ Congenital heart disease
2. After eruption
§ Endogenous
Ø Necrosis of pulp
Ø Haemorrhage of pulp
§ Exogenous
Ø Amelogenesis imperfecta
Ø Turner tooth
Ø Dental caries
Ø Denudation of dentin
Ø Attrition,abrasion & errosion
3. Various discolouring agents
· Food & drink like coffee , tea, wines
· Tobacco
· Betal nut
· Restorative material
· Medicaments like silver nitrate, tin, iron & iodine
· Blood pigment like hemosiderin,bilurubin & bilveridin
· Products from decomposition of materials


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