Saturday 14 January 2012

Building an healthy dental life

At times folks, particularly adults often get too occupied that they forget to take good care of their dental health. This isn’t that bad if you miss out brushing or flossing a few times but repeatedly over a course of a long time, this will get you into trouble. What’s dangerous about not taking care of your dental health is that this could get you gum disease - a condition wherein the gums swell, weaken or discolor due to bacterial infection. Most of the time, you won’t notice the symptoms during the initial stages but overtime, this will progress into something much serious.

The initial symptoms may include swelling of the gums, discoloration of the gums, a painful sensation which is more evident when drinking hot or cold drinks and chronic bad breath. The first stage of gum disease is called gingivitis and is when the symptoms are light and has a great chance to get by unnoticed. If you’re lucky, the condition will heal itself but if not, you may be finding yourself with the same symptoms, only more severe.
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